Hiking trails

The best way to explore the nature of Lahemaa is to find enough time and comfortable hiking equipment and take on the discovery of the local hiking and study trails. The hiking trails in Lahemaa have varying difficulty levels and are diverse – there are hour-long bog trails, a 45 km Oandu-Ikla hiking trail, and even a rocky kilometer to the northernmost point of mainland Estonia, Purekkari Peninsula. The forests of the Käsmu peninsula invite you to explore on foot or by bike. Lahemaa is also crossed by the long-distance hiking trail E11, which is called the Forest Hiking Trail in the Baltic States and starts in the city of Scheveningen in the Netherlands and ends in Tallinn.


We also recommend bringing a guide with you on the hiking trails in Lahemaa, whom you can find here.


When going into nature, always make sure that the burden you bring with you is limited to your presence. Sort packaging and used napkins according to waste management rules. Keep the hiking trails in Lahemaa clean!


Lahemaa National Park study trails:

Altja loodus- ja kultuurilooline rada | 4,2 km
Koprarada | 1 km
Käsmu loodus- ja kultuurilooline rada | 4,2 km
Majakivi-Pikanõmme õpperada | 7 km
Oandu loodusmetsarada | 4,7 km
Oandu pärandkultuurirada | 3,4 km
Oandu taimetarga rada | 1 km
Ojaäärse metsarada | 3,5 km
Sagadi-Oandu metsajuttude rada | 5,6 km
Tsitre Puude rada | 1km
Viru raba õpperada | 3,5 km
Hara lahe rannalooduse rada
Mohni õppe- ja matkarada
Mähu otsa ja Purekkari neeme linnuvaatlusrajad
Pähkneeme luitemänniku ja mereranna rada
Võsu koduloorada


Lahemaa National Park hiking trails:
Käsmu jalgrattarada | 11,6 km
Käsmu matkarada | 15 km
Oandu-Võsu matkarada | 9,5 km


Observation towers:
Majakivi-Pikanõmme õpperada
Viru raba


Bird watch towers:
Vihasoo linnuvaatlustorn
Viinistu linnuvaatlustornid


The Energy Track winds its way through places where you will feel on top of the world and truly recharge your batteries. The track is 1.7 km long and starts and ends by the Porkuni Limestone Museum in Küngassaare. It skirts Lake Porkuni before heading into the forest of the local manor park, which may have changed a lot over time but still retains some of the exotic bushes and trees planted here during the manor era. One of the most amazing sights along the track is Porkuni's limestone outcrop. You will also pass the head of the Valgejõe River, karst features and more. The track is marked with information stands.
Mäe tänav 1/2, Porkuni küla, Tapa vald, 46001
The nature and heritage hike along the picturesque shore of Kalmeoja and the ancient valley of Pärlioja near the Viru bog is a true treat for anyone interested in nature. During the hike we will get acquainted with keystone habitats, talk more about the protected species and the activities of forest animals. We will also visit shelters called Mungaaugud (monk holes), get to know the mysterious past of Kalme village and talk about what unites the noble Stenbock family and the beautiful Pärilioja River. In addition, we offer drinks and delicious snacks on the hike. The price includes a guide service, snacks and a drink. Minimum group fee is €570 € (up to 15 people). The hike is also suitable for children!
Kalme küla, Kuusalu vald, 74714
If you want to go on the hike on your own, you can ask for maps from Ohepalu. If you wish to prepare for your trip more thoroughly, you can decide on the route beforehand and even order signposts to be installed on the crossroads. On the route, you can see faraway forgotten and abandoned villages, known and unknown manors, and the eskers and small lakes of Kõrvemaa, which are all inaccessible by car. If you wish, our guide can come with you on the hike. After a day in the nature, we offer you a relaxing sauna. Good to know: Linnumäe Nature Farm is a cotter's hut located on the edge of the Ohepalu bog. Eight generations have lived there and there is still no electricity. The hut is the starting point of the hikes and a perfect location for a sauna.
Ohepalu küla, Kadrina vald, 45225
When snow covers the land, cross-country ski trails will be waiting for you near the Tamsalu Sports Complex. You can ski on trails with different lengths and the 4 km trail is lighted until 21.00. Useful information: see our homepage for more detailed information about the trails and snow. Tamsalu Sports Complex also has washing facilities, sauna, pool and gym. There's also a hostel and café.
Toome tänav , Tamsalu linn, Tapa vald, 46107
The Kõnnu Wetlands have a special atmosphere. A lake that rests between eskers in a giant basin has paludified over the course of thousands of years. The surface of this light-filled swamp is densely covered with bog-pools. The beautiful panoramic view to the otherworldly landscape that is ornate with bonsai-like pines can be enjoyed from the top of the lookout tower that has been erected in the middle of the swamp near Lake Paukjärv. The price includes the hike, snowshoes, poles, and if necessary, leggings, and a guide. At the end of the hike, you can enjoy a picnic, sit around a campfire, and talk about the hike. We recommend wearing rubber boots and clothes that fit the season (including a hat). The minimum fee for a group of up to 10 people is 300 euros, the fee for each additional person is 26 euros.
Suru küla, Kuusalu vald, 74615
Nõmmeveski-Liiapeksi hiking trail is a hiking trail with plentiful flora located in the Lahemaa National Park. The trail runs along the Valgejõe river and on the high banks of the valleys of its distributaries up until the Vasaristi falls, then along the old village roads until the Pärlijõe valley, from then across the river and along the valley embankment through the young pine forests until the Viru bog.There are two camping sites nearby - Nõmmeveski and Kalmeoja. At the rest stops, you can make campfire. You can take water for cooking and other needs from the Nõmmeveski river. The spring is some 20 meters downstream from the Nõmmeveski falls, the pipe runs up to the western bank. At the Kalmeoja campfire site, you can take bog water from the Viru bog.
Nõmmeveski küla, Kuusalu vald, 74815
Snowshoes help you get to where the boardwalk does not take you! Viru bog is located 50 kilometres from Tallinn. There is a beautiful pine forest, bog pools, and an observation tower. We will go on an adventure between the bog pool and basically walk on water. We will also pick berries if they are in season. The tour guide will talk about the bog plants, animals, local heritage, and why bogs are important ecosystems. The price includes the service of a tour guide, snowshoes, leggings, snacks, and a drink. Minimum group fee is 660 euros (up to 15 people). If you want to experience the charm of the bog away from the boardwalk and learn more about the bog, come on a snowshoe trip with Wanderlust!
Kemba küla, Kuusalu vald, 74708
Käsmu peninsula has a rich cultural and natural heritage; here, you can go on shorter and longer hikes. Who would not know the white houses of the famous ‘Captains’ Village’ and its naval school with a dignified history? Lucky boulders and a statue called Signe that kneels in the graveyard, as well as military heritage from the Soviet times are obligatory sights to visit. Käsmu peninsula is also a gigantic natural Ice Age park with a unique boulder field and romantic rocks left behind by glacial drift. Lake Käsmu and Eru Bay are places that are unfortunately rarely visited; here, the peninsula that otherwise has a low rocky coastline throws in a surprise sandy beach and high embankment.
Käsmu küla, Haljala vald, 45601
March has a really different feeling to it than the months prior to it. The days have become longer and there's more and more sunlight in the air melting the snow and ice. It's also a busy time in nature for many mammal and bird species. For the main target species for this tour, the Eurasian Lynx, March signifies the beginning of the mating season. This is also the time of the year when the chances to see it are the greatest. For the lynx, we will start looking before dusk and finish around midnight in Lahemaa National Park. The rest of the day will be used for resting, looking for recent tracks, and birding! Because this tour is not only about lynx but also about other mammals and birds. The other most important target for this tour will be the seller's Eider, who overwinter in Estonian waters. For this we are heading to Saaremaa. Other birds, we will look for are owls, woodpeckers, forest grouse, divers, seaducks, and everything else Estonian nature has to offer.
Sagadi küla, Haljala vald
Mohni Island, in addition to its beautiful nature, attracts visitors with the Mohni lighthouse, which has guided sailors since the ancient times, as well as with the auxiliary buildings of the border guard of the Soviet times, a protected Mohni linden, sand dunes, and rocky mosaics. Mohni Island used to belong to a monastery. Later, according to a legend, it was a sanctuary for pirates. Our day starts at Viinistu, where we will board a boat to Mohni. On the island, we will explore the untouched and wonderful nature, follow a guide on a tour of the entire island, and learn about the characteristics, history, and legends of the island.
Viinistu küla, Kuusalu vald, 74701
The flat and sandy Loksa beach is located by Hara Bay, next to Lahemaa National Park. It's a wild beach, where it's nice to enjoy a more private and peaceful getaway. In windy weather, you can hide between the dunes and in hot weather you can enjoy the shade of the trees.The beach is clean and equipped with changing cabins and a water tap. There are also beach volleyball and beach football fields. The beach has some climbing structures, benches, rubbish bins and a drop toilet. Catering and shops are located in the heart of Loksa, about 1 km away.
Mere tänav , Loksa, 74806
The Oandu forest nature trail is located in Oandu, Lahemaa National Park. It takes about two hours to complete the trail. There is always something to explore, learn, and discover in nature. The 4.7 km long trail introduces old coastal formations, native forests, various forest types, and traces of wildlife activities. There are different forests and bogs to see here.Good to know: - Start the hike with a visit to the exhibitions of the Oandu visitor centre. This way, you can get acquainted with the trail beforehand. - Test your knowledge on the trail in a playful way with the smart game 'Walking in the primeval forest'.
Oandu küla, Haljala vald, 45432
The Tülivere sacred oak, a protected tree, is a sacred old tree which received food offerings in order to ensure bountiful crops and cattle as recently as the last century. Ancient Estonians considered the gap in the oak to be a place of reconciliation, which is how the tree received its name as ‘tüli’ means quarrel in Estonian. The large oak is located on a hillock, close to the Tülivere brook. The giant tree features a unique gap similar to an arched door where a person can enter, almost without having to bend down. The dim interior of the tree’s cavity is the size of a tiny chamber, allowing two adults to stand up within. The oak is located on private land, so it can only be visited during the daytime.
Kuusalu küla, Kuusalu vald, 74609
A light hike in the open air with a great guide who knows everything about survival in the wild. With or without snowshoes (depending on your wishes), you will hike to the tower which offers views of the wonderful nature of Põhja-Kõrvemaa, be it summer, spring, autumn, or winter. Kõnnu Suursoo bog is picturesque thanks to its numerous small and larger bog pools, such as Lake Tallekesejärv. We offer transport to the bog and then to the sauna in Kõrvemaa, where you can also order home meals. The hiking adventure starts in Tallinn.
Suru küla, Kuusalu vald, 74615
The Oandu-Võsu hiking trail is situated in Lahemaa National Park and is 9.5 km long. It begins at the Oandu camping area and continues through to the Võsu camping area. The majority of the path follows the ancient Seljaku way through the forests of the Koljaku-Oandu terraces. You will see a diverse range of landscapes and forest communities.
Oandu küla, Haljala vald, 45432
Altja nature and cultural trail is located in Lahemaa National Park and is 3 km long. It begins on the headland at Altja where you cross the suspension bridge. The trail passes through the fishing village and the surrounding environment, from its stony beaches to the flats of the Altja River.
Altja küla, Haljala vald, 45408
Karepa’s medicinal plant gardens provide visitors with the chance to find out about plants that are used in cooking and medicine as well as a range of interesting vegetables. The gardens also organise year-round hiking trips to find out more about medicinal plants growing in the wild, plus seminars on medicinal plants and natural therapy, at which the gardens’ own teas are offered. You can also order food produced using herbs from the gardens and buy a range of herb products, medicinal plant teas, souvenirs and Verner Luke paintings. If you wish, you can also receive personalised advice on plant therapy, camp in the gardens or make use of its picnic area.
Ravimtaime , Karepa küla, Haljala vald, 45401
The Viitna nature studies trail forms part of the Viitna nature reserve and is 7 km long. It begins near the Viitna holiday village, and the trees along the path are marked for navigation. Along the trail you will see a variety of landscapes and lakes formed by the movement of the continental ice sheet.
Viitna küla, Kadrina vald, 45202
The "President's hiking trail" is a 10 km-long forest trail in Lääne-Viru County that starts in Aegviidu and winds its way through Nelijärve to Jäneda. In winter it plays host to the ever more popular "President's hike", in which Arnold Rüütel, President of Estonia from 2001-2006, also takes part. Did you know...? - The trail was named after former Presidents of Estonia, Konstantin Päts and Arnold Rüütel, who came here often. - The first President of the Republic of Estonia, Konstantin Päts, was the man behind the Nelijärve tourism centre: he came up with the idea and funded its construction. He also founded Jäneda Agricultural High School. - Arnold Rüütel graduated Jäneda School with the class of '49.
Jäneda küla, Tapa vald, 73602
Snowshoes help you get to where the boardwalk does not take you! Viru bog is located 50 kilometres from Tallinn. There is a beautiful pine forest, bog pools, and an observation tower. We will go on an adventure between the bog pool and basically walk on water. We will also pick berries if they are in season. The tour guide will talk about the bog plants, animals, local heritage, and why bogs are important ecosystems. The price includes the service of a tour guide, snowshoes, leggings, snacks, and a drink. Minimum group fee is 660 euros (up to 15 people). If you want to experience the charm of the bog away from the boardwalk and learn more about the bog, come on a snowshoe trip with Wanderlust!
Kemba küla, Kuusalu vald, 74708
The nature and heritage hike along the picturesque shore of Kalmeoja and the ancient valley of Pärlioja near the Viru bog is a true treat for anyone interested in nature. During the hike we will get acquainted with keystone habitats, talk more about the protected species and the activities of forest animals. We will also visit shelters called Mungaaugud (monk holes), get to know the mysterious past of Kalme village and talk about what unites the noble Stenbock family and the beautiful Pärilioja River. In addition, we offer drinks and delicious snacks on the hike. The price includes a guide service, snacks and a drink. Minimum group fee is €570 € (up to 15 people). The hike is also suitable for children!
Kalme küla, Kuusalu vald, 74714
Purekkari cape is mainland Estonia's most northern point. The cape is 1.5 km long, covered with rocks and boulders, and located on the Pärispea Peninsula in Lahemaa National Park. There is a small island at the end of the cape, which can be reached only when the water level is low. Thorny Japanese rose bushes catch your eye during flowering season and when the roses bear fruit in the autumn. In the autumn, you can also see many migratory birds. Old military establishments and a camping site of the State Forest Management Centre are near the cape. The road to the parking lot is narrow and cannot be accessed with a large bus.
Pärispea küla, Kuusalu vald, 74706
The tower is located in Vihasoo coastal meadow, the most bird-populated area of Lahemaa National Park. There, you will see the islands of the Gulf of Eru, which are the nesting area for 26 species of birds and a stopping place for migratory birds. The tower, which is 7 m high and approximately 4 m from the ground, holds a few dozen people at a time. Information boards introduce the birds of the islands and the Gulf of Eru, and the protected European white elm next to the road. The tower is located in an area surrounded by an electric fence which is meant for a beef cattle. The tower can be accessed via a corner of the fence, where the cattle cannot fit through. There is a permanent exhibition of bird pictures in the observation tower.  
Vihasoo küla, Kuusalu vald, 74703
Walking in a bog with snowshoes creates an unearthly feeling – you are basically walking on water. Kõnnu Suursoo bog and the surrounding eskers have formed as a result of the ice age. Thanks to the landscape around the bog, the area is also called Estonian Switzerland. The observation tower offers magnificent views of the plains and the colourful bog mosaic. The price includes the service of a tour guide, snowshoes, leggings, snacks, and a drink. Minimum group fee is 660 euros (up to 15 people). If you want to experience the beauty and charm of the bog away from the boardwalks and learn more about the bog, come on a snowshoe trip with Wanderlust!
Suru küla, Kuusalu vald, 74615
March has a really different feeling to it than the months prior to it. The days have become longer and there's more and more sunlight in the air melting the snow and ice. It's also a busy time in nature for many mammal and bird species. For the main target species for this tour, the Eurasian Lynx, March signifies the beginning of the mating season. This is also the time of the year when the chances to see it are the greatest. For the lynx, we will start looking before dusk and finish around midnight in Lahemaa National Park. The rest of the day will be used for resting, looking for recent tracks, and birding! Because this tour is not only about lynx but also about other mammals and birds. The other most important target for this tour will be the seller's Eider, who overwinter in Estonian waters. For this we are heading to Saaremaa. Other birds, we will look for are owls, woodpeckers, forest grouse, divers, seaducks, and everything else Estonian nature has to offer.
Sagadi küla, Haljala vald
Võsu-Nõmmeveski hiking trail is 18 kilometres long and situated in the expansive Lahemaa National Park. The trail takes off at the Võsu camping area and continues through to Nõmmeveski, which is known for its canyon. Here you will find a camping and barbecue area. You can walk and cycle through most of the trail, along an old forest path passing through the ancient village of Võhma, where you will come across the prehistoric Tandemäe burial mounds.
Koljaku küla, Haljala vald, 45419
The 7 km trail is located at the western edge of Lahemaa National Park, in the middle of Juminda Peninsula and starts in the car park just by the Hara–Juminda Road, running on the eastern side of the peninsula.  2 km of the total length of the 8-shaped trail can be completed on a boardwalk. The study trail has been marked with white and green signs on trees; there are 3 large and 9 small information boards on the trail, as well as an observation tower. The trail passes through the high middle part of Juminda Peninsula, where the intertwinement of former beach ridges and sand dunes, as well as forest and marsh strips creates a unique and varied landscape. The third largest boulder in Estonia – Majakivi (House Stone) – is located on the trail.
Virve küla, Kuusalu vald, 74814
Here you will see the hills and lakes forged by the hero of the Estonian epic, Kalevipoeg! The Neeruti landscape protection area hiking trail is located 3 km to the south of Kadrina just off the Rakvere-Pärnu road. The nature trail measures 14 km in total, which you can cover as 3.3 km, 6.9 km or 9 km hikes. Traversing the trail will take you through natural areas dating back 10,000 years. It starts at Kuresöödi and then turns off towards Pariis before circling back to the starting point. The trail is famous for natural sites described in the national epic 'Kalevipoeg', written by F. R. Kreutzwald - who was born close by in Jõepere.
Võduvere küla, Kadrina vald, 45238
The focus of this nature tour is on three iconic mammals – the lynx, the brown bear, and the wolf. For now, let's focus our attention on the lynx, who has the most secretive life. About 500 lynxes are thought to live in Estonia, and they are mostly seen in Alutaguse and Lahemaa National Park. Estonia also has a large bear population of almost 1,000. We will monitor their activities from a hut. In addition, we hope to hear the howls of wolves on dark autumn nights. We will also have plenty of time for bird-watching. The tour includes accommodation and meals. The best time to order a tour is the first three weeks of October but you can contact us all year round! We also organise scheduled animal watching trips which you can join alone or with a friend, see our website for more information.
Koljaku küla, Haljala vald, 45419
Nature in Lahemaa is wonderful, particularly if you are assisted by an experienced guide when discovering its secrets! Nature guide and huntsman Peeter Hussar is considered the salt of the earth in Lahemaa. With him, we can wonder along forest trails and study the signs that nature leaves: guessing the origin of footprints on snow, scratches on trees, shuffling in the bushes or singing in treetops. With his help, smells and sounds tell a story, and even silence speaks volumes! A trip in the woods is a perfect ending for a seminar, for discovering nature with your friends or as a part of team training. Nature is always welcoming, regardless of season and time!
Sagadi küla, Haljala vald, 45403
The "President's hiking trail" is a 10 km-long forest trail in Lääne-Viru County that starts in Aegviidu and winds its way through Nelijärve to Jäneda. In winter it plays host to the ever more popular "President's hike", in which Arnold Rüütel, President of Estonia from 2001-2006, also takes part. Did you know...? - The trail was named after former Presidents of Estonia, Konstantin Päts and Arnold Rüütel, who came here often. - The first President of the Republic of Estonia, Konstantin Päts, was the man behind the Nelijärve tourism centre: he came up with the idea and funded its construction. He also founded Jäneda Agricultural High School. - Arnold Rüütel graduated Jäneda School with the class of '49.
Jäneda küla, Tapa vald, 73602
Everyone who is interested in horses is welcome at the Arma Riding Farm – in the summer there are children’s horseback riding camps; we provide riding lessons year round and various excursions for school and kindergarten groups. Families can stay overnight, take carriage rides, hike on nature trails, or organize wonderful family events outdoors. We also offer riding therapy at our farm that is intended for people with mental or physical disabilities, as well as for those whose lives have just reached a dead end and who feel that nothing makes them happy anymore.
Rutja küla, Haljala vald, 45451
The 7 km trail is located at the western edge of Lahemaa National Park, in the middle of Juminda Peninsula and starts in the car park just by the Hara–Juminda Road, running on the eastern side of the peninsula.  2 km of the total length of the 8-shaped trail can be completed on a boardwalk. The study trail has been marked with white and green signs on trees; there are 3 large and 9 small information boards on the trail, as well as an observation tower. The trail passes through the high middle part of Juminda Peninsula, where the intertwinement of former beach ridges and sand dunes, as well as forest and marsh strips creates a unique and varied landscape. The third largest boulder in Estonia – Majakivi (House Stone) – is located on the trail.
Virve küla, Kuusalu vald, 74814
Viru bog is probably the most accessible bog during all seasons. It is a mixture of incredibly diverse landscapes, bog pools, strips, and hollows. The observation tower in the middle of the bog is perfect for enjoying the magnificent view. During the journey, we will cross the bog islands and take a look at the regenerating peatlands. We will end the journey by hiking in the eskers surrounding the bog. On request, catering is offered at the campfire. The price includes the hike, snowshoes, poles, and if necessary, leggings, and a guide. We recommend wearing rubber boot and clothes fitting the season. The minimum fee for a group of up to 10 people is 300 euros. Each additional person costs 26 euros.
Kolga alevik, Kuusalu vald, 74602
Lahemaa National Park was founded in 1971 for the preservation, research, and introduction of the North-Estonian nature and cultural heritage, biodiversity, landscapes, national culture, and conservative natural management. It protects historical and architectural monuments, and the ecosystems of forests, swamps, and beaches. Lahemaa is one of the most important reserve forests in Europe. The RMK Lahemaa information point is located at the Palmse Manor's stable-carriage house at the RMK Lahemaa Visitor Centre, and it is possible to get information and publications about the National Park and the North-Estonian Recreation Area, visit an exhibition there, or watch a slide show about Lahemaa.
Palmse küla, Haljala vald, 45435
The tower is located in Vihasoo coastal meadow, the most bird-populated area of Lahemaa National Park. There, you will see the islands of the Gulf of Eru, which are the nesting area for 26 species of birds and a stopping place for migratory birds. The tower, which is 7 m high and approximately 4 m from the ground, holds a few dozen people at a time. Information boards introduce the birds of the islands and the Gulf of Eru, and the protected European white elm next to the road. The tower is located in an area surrounded by an electric fence which is meant for a beef cattle. The tower can be accessed via a corner of the fence, where the cattle cannot fit through. There is a permanent exhibition of bird pictures in the observation tower.  
Vihasoo küla, Kuusalu vald, 74703
In Ohepalu bog, you can go on a snowshoe hike and pick a different route each time. Once you go a bit further, the bogs of Kõrvemaa will soon be in the walking distance as well. Linnumäe Nature Farm has eight pairs of snowshoes for rent. You can go on a hike on your own or ask a guide to come with you, however you like. Our hiking trails are free for all!
Ohepalu küla, Kadrina vald, 45225
Altja is a typical seaside village, with all of its houses stretching along one street. The village was first mentioned in written records in 1465. The Uustalu and Toomarahva farms at Altja are typical coastal farms and have been restored by Lahemaa National Park. On the headland of Altja, you can see the fishing net sheds which were reconstructed on the basis of old photographs and the memories of the villagers. The village also has its own swing and tavern, where you can try local dishes.
Altja küla, Haljala vald, 45408
Everyone who is interested in horses is welcome at the Arma Riding Farm – in the summer there are children’s horseback riding camps; we provide riding lessons year round and various excursions for school and kindergarten groups. Families can stay overnight, take carriage rides, hike on nature trails, or organize wonderful family events outdoors. We also offer riding therapy at our farm that is intended for people with mental or physical disabilities, as well as for those whose lives have just reached a dead end and who feel that nothing makes them happy anymore.
Rutja küla, Haljala vald, 45451
Lahemaa National Park was founded in 1971 and was designed to preserve, research, and introduce the nature, cultural heritage, biodiversity, landscapes, national culture, and nature conservation of Northern Estonia. Lahemaa is one of Europe's most important forest protection areas. The Oandu Nature Centre introduces the nature of Lahemaa National Park, as well as the opportunities it offers for exploring nature, as well as the use and cultivation of forests and timber throughout the ages. From the courtyard of the nature centre, you can reach the Oandu nature trail and the Võsu-Oandu hiking trail. You can also use the connecting trails to reach Koprarada (Beaver Trail) and the Altja study trail.
Oandu küla, Haljala vald, 45432
Enjoy the beautiful nature and pick berries and mushrooms. The trail is accessible by bicycle, on skis, or on foot. Once you reach Ohepalu, you can continue your hike to Udriku lakes or even Mõndavere, Viitna, or Lahemaa. The first 1.5 kilometres of the trail are boggy, but after you cross Valgejõgi River, you will reach the Rutka hills, which run along eskers and are dry. This part of the trail is located in Ohepalu Nature Reserve. In the autumn of 2018, the first 1.5 km section of the trail was reconstructed from the resources of the Tapa Municipality Government’s 2017 participatory budgeting project. Rutkaste hiking trail is also called the Tapa–Ohepalu hiking trail.
Võidu puiestee , Tapa linn, Tapa vald, 45109
In Ohepalu bog, you can go on a snowshoe hike and pick a different route each time. Once you go a bit further, the bogs of Kõrvemaa will soon be in the walking distance as well. Linnumäe Nature Farm has eight pairs of snowshoes for rent. You can go on a hike on your own or ask a guide to come with you, however you like. Our hiking trails are free for all!
Ohepalu küla, Kadrina vald, 45225
The Oandu-Võsu hiking trail is situated in Lahemaa National Park and is 9.5 km long. It begins at the Oandu camping area and continues through to the Võsu camping area. The majority of the path follows the ancient Seljaku way through the forests of the Koljaku-Oandu terraces. You will see a diverse range of landscapes and forest communities.
Oandu küla, Haljala vald, 45432
In 2014, we opened a wheelchair path in a historic 16th-century forest park. On the wheelchair path, you can explore the forest, where there are many rarities such as a 200-year-old birch and a rowan over 40 cm in diameter. The path provides physical activity, new knowledge about species, and a positive state of mind. The tour is guided. It is known to be the first such trail built on a heritage site.
Järsi küla, Tapa vald, 46007
The flat and sandy Loksa beach is located by Hara Bay, next to Lahemaa National Park. It's a wild beach, where it's nice to enjoy a more private and peaceful getaway. In windy weather, you can hide between the dunes and in hot weather you can enjoy the shade of the trees.The beach is clean and equipped with changing cabins and a water tap. There are also beach volleyball and beach football fields. The beach has some climbing structures, benches, rubbish bins and a drop toilet. Catering and shops are located in the heart of Loksa, about 1 km away.
Mere tänav , Loksa, 74806
The Käsmu nature and cultural history trail looks at the development of the Käsmu peninsula and Estonia’s biggest natural accumulation of rocks. Beginning in the car park next to the chapel, the trail is well marked with signs and is 4.2 km long; trees along the trail have white stripes painted on their trunks for guidance. Käsmu itself is one of Estonia's most beautiful seaside villages, and the local museum provides an excellent overview of its maritime history.
Laane tee 7, Käsmu küla, Haljala vald, 45601
Lake Pikkjärv is a natural lake near Suru village in Harju County, Kuusalu Parish. It is the most north-eastern lake among the Järvi lakes, with an area of 5.2 ha. The lake is surrounded by a mixed pine-spruce forest. The north-eastern shore of the lake is sandy and suitable for bathing. The lake is located in Kõrvemaa and offers camping opportunities. The camping site is located in the north-eastern corner of the lake, under spruce trees. The Järvi-Aegviidu hiking trail (27 km), which starts at the Pikkjärv camping site, is part of the large network of the State Forest Management Centre’s hiking trails.
Suru küla, Kuusalu vald, 74615
Viru Bog, one of the most accessible bogs in Estonia, passes through the forest and bog landscapes characteristic of Lahemaa National Park. The trail is 3.5 km and the lap is 6 km long. The study trail introduces the bog's flora, former sand dunes, eskers, and heath forest. There is a boardwalk with an observation tower in the middle of it. The trail is marked and there are signposts. Good to know: the boardwalk leading to the observation tower (1,400 meters) is accessible to wheelchair users and families with strollers. The entrance to the first viewing platform was also designed with accessibility in mind. To preserve the flora and soil, only walk on the boardwalk. Not suitable for cyclists.  
Kolga alevik, Kuusalu vald, 74602
In 2014, we opened a wheelchair path in a historic 16th-century forest park. On the wheelchair path, you can explore the forest, where there are many rarities such as a 200-year-old birch and a rowan over 40 cm in diameter. The path provides physical activity, new knowledge about species, and a positive state of mind. The tour is guided. It is known to be the first such trail built on a heritage site.
Järsi küla, Tapa vald, 46007
Study programme 'Water wizard's expedition at the source of clean water' by the Clean Water Theme Park is an authentic and interesting service, which introduces Estonia and the bowels of the earth. Its keywords are environmental sensitivity and authentic natural and cultural experiences. The characteristics of the Pandivere Upland and the nitrate-sensitive area of Pandivere-Adavere-Põltsamaa is used to show how karst is formed and explain the phenomenon of karst. Additionally, different sinkholes are visited, as well as the mystical Varangu blue springs, which are talked about in relation to the local culture. Participants will learn about the large and small hydrologic cycle in the wild.  
Järsi küla, Tapa vald, 46007
It is possible to rent bikes from the Sagadi Hotel reception. We have a total of 24 bikes – 19 for men and 5 for women. A child's seat can be attached to some of the bicycles. We will provide the visitors with helmets and bike locks.  Our receptionists will gladly give you a map of the surroundings and suggestions for different routes at Lahemaa. The surrounding area presents a picturesque scenery and wonderful cycling trails. The bike rental costs 10 €/day or 2 €/hour.  
Sagadi küla, Haljala vald, 45403
A 30-minute drive from Tallinn on the north coast is one of the most beautiful sandy beaches in Kolga Bay – Valkla beach. The beach with fine light sand is a great bathing beach that stands out from big beaches with its peace and cleanliness. The beach has a toilet and parking lot as well as changing rooms. In summer, it is possible to rent a kayak and go to the nearby Pedassaare island – an uninhabited island 1 km away, where there are campfire sites and a sauna house. Paddleboards with safety equipment are also available for rent on the beach. Valkla beach also has a beach restaurant Valkla rand and a Recreation Centre with caravan park and saunas.
Valkla küla, Kuusalu vald, 74630
Altja is a typical seaside village, with all of its houses stretching along one street. The village was first mentioned in written records in 1465. The Uustalu and Toomarahva farms at Altja are typical coastal farms and have been restored by Lahemaa National Park. On the headland of Altja, you can see the fishing net sheds which were reconstructed on the basis of old photographs and the memories of the villagers. The village also has its own swing and tavern, where you can try local dishes.
Altja küla, Haljala vald, 45408
The tip of Juminda Peninsula, i.e. Cape Juminda, located on the northern coast between the Gulf of Kolga and the Gulf of Hara, is an intriguing place, as the spit of the cape continues under the water as a chain of large stones that move in case of larger waves. The water does not go deep very fast directly from the tip. It is possible to almost reach the sea by car. Today, a memorial stands in the tip of the cape. It was established in memory of the ships and people who perished in the Battle of Juminda in World War Two. The memorial consists of empty mines. Interesting to know: the Juminda camping site with campfire spots is close by, as is the Juminda Lighthouse.
Juminda küla, Kuusalu vald, 74716
The focus of this nature tour is on three iconic mammals – the lynx, the brown bear, and the wolf. For now, let's focus our attention on the lynx, who has the most secretive life. About 500 lynxes are thought to live in Estonia, and they are mostly seen in Alutaguse and Lahemaa National Park. Estonia also has a large bear population of almost 1,000. We will monitor their activities from a hut. In addition, we hope to hear the howls of wolves on dark autumn nights. We will also have plenty of time for bird-watching. The tour includes accommodation and meals. The best time to order a tour is the first three weeks of October but you can contact us all year round! We also organise scheduled animal watching trips which you can join alone or with a friend, see our website for more information.
Koljaku küla, Haljala vald, 45419
If you want to go on the hike on your own, you can ask for maps from Ohepalu. If you wish to prepare for your trip more thoroughly, you can decide on the route beforehand and even order signposts to be installed on the crossroads. On the route, you can see faraway forgotten and abandoned villages, known and unknown manors, and the eskers and small lakes of Kõrvemaa, which are all inaccessible by car. If you wish, our guide can come with you on the hike. After a day in the nature, we offer you a relaxing sauna. Good to know: Linnumäe Nature Farm is a cotter's hut located on the edge of the Ohepalu bog. Eight generations have lived there and there is still no electricity. The hut is the starting point of the hikes and a perfect location for a sauna.
Ohepalu küla, Kadrina vald, 45225
The Viitna nature studies trail forms part of the Viitna nature reserve and is 7 km long. It begins near the Viitna holiday village, and the trees along the path are marked for navigation. Along the trail you will see a variety of landscapes and lakes formed by the movement of the continental ice sheet.
Viitna küla, Kadrina vald, 45202
If you like to lead a healthy life and enjoy nature and refreshing water, we can offer you the best recreation options. We offer you guided hikes in the Ohepalu bog. After a day in nature, you can enjoy a relaxing sauna. In the summer, you can spend the night in a tent or a barn and sleep on hay. Our Õnnela Quest House, however, is open all year round. Good to know: Linnumäe Nature Farm is a cotter's hut located on the edge of the Ohepalu bog. Eight generations have lived there and there is still no electricity. The hut is the starting point of the hikes and a perfect location for a sauna.
Ohepalu küla, Kadrina vald, 45225
The park with large ancient trees is an inseparable part of the manor. Sagadi Park has the thickest European white elm and 33 m oaks, which are some of the tallest in Estonia. In 1985, a 5.1 hectare dendropark was built on the western side of the manor complex. Alien tree and shrub species have been planted in families, all species have been marked with labels, and there are information stands for those interested. A total of 120 species have been planted in the dendropark.  
Sagadi küla, Haljala vald, 45403
The Käsmu hiking and cycling track is situated in Lahemaa National Park and is 14 km long. It starts by the local chapel and ends in the car park at the other end of the village. It does a circuit of the peninsula and is designed for those who love to spend a good deal of time in the natural environment.
Laane tee , Käsmu küla, Haljala vald
A light hike in the open air with a great guide who knows everything about survival in the wild. With or without snowshoes (depending on your wishes), you will hike to the tower which offers views of the wonderful nature of Põhja-Kõrvemaa, be it summer, spring, autumn, or winter. Kõnnu Suursoo bog is picturesque thanks to its numerous small and larger bog pools, such as Lake Tallekesejärv. We offer transport to the bog and then to the sauna in Kõrvemaa, where you can also order home meals. The hiking adventure starts in Tallinn.
Suru küla, Kuusalu vald, 74615
When snow covers the land, cross-country ski trails will be waiting for you near the Tamsalu Sports Complex. You can ski on trails with different lengths and the 4 km trail is lighted until 21.00. Useful information: see our homepage for more detailed information about the trails and snow. Tamsalu Sports Complex also has washing facilities, sauna, pool and gym. There's also a hostel and café.
Toome tänav , Tamsalu linn, Tapa vald, 46107
Võsu-Nõmmeveski hiking trail is 18 kilometres long and situated in the expansive Lahemaa National Park. The trail takes off at the Võsu camping area and continues through to Nõmmeveski, which is known for its canyon. Here you will find a camping and barbecue area. You can walk and cycle through most of the trail, along an old forest path passing through the ancient village of Võhma, where you will come across the prehistoric Tandemäe burial mounds.
Koljaku küla, Haljala vald, 45419
The Käsmu hiking and cycling track is situated in Lahemaa National Park and is 14 km long. It starts by the local chapel and ends in the car park at the other end of the village. It does a circuit of the peninsula and is designed for those who love to spend a good deal of time in the natural environment.
Laane tee , Käsmu küla, Haljala vald
The Käsmu nature and cultural history trail looks at the development of the Käsmu peninsula and Estonia’s biggest natural accumulation of rocks. Beginning in the car park next to the chapel, the trail is well marked with signs and is 4.2 km long; trees along the trail have white stripes painted on their trunks for guidance. Käsmu itself is one of Estonia's most beautiful seaside villages, and the local museum provides an excellent overview of its maritime history.
Laane tee 7, Käsmu küla, Haljala vald, 45601
Walking in a bog with snowshoes creates an unearthly feeling – you are basically walking on water. Kõnnu Suursoo bog and the surrounding eskers have formed as a result of the ice age. Thanks to the landscape around the bog, the area is also called Estonian Switzerland. The observation tower offers magnificent views of the plains and the colourful bog mosaic. The price includes the service of a tour guide, snowshoes, leggings, snacks, and a drink. Minimum group fee is 660 euros (up to 15 people). If you want to experience the beauty and charm of the bog away from the boardwalks and learn more about the bog, come on a snowshoe trip with Wanderlust!
Suru küla, Kuusalu vald, 74615
Altja nature and cultural trail is located in Lahemaa National Park and is 3 km long. It begins on the headland at Altja where you cross the suspension bridge. The trail passes through the fishing village and the surrounding environment, from its stony beaches to the flats of the Altja River.
Altja küla, Haljala vald, 45408
2.5 km of the trail is covered with a boardwalk, partially overlapping with Paukjärve and Jussi nature trails. The trail includes a number of camping sites and areas for barbecues, making it perfect for two- or three-day hikes. The trail is marked with red ribbons on trees and it also overlaps with the Oandu–Aegviidu–Ikla hiking route (white-red-white ribbons). As the trail goes through Lahemaa National Park and Põhja-Kõrvemaa nature reserve, you must pay attention to the restrictions stipulated by law.  The diverse and beautiful landscapes is worth exploring!
Suru küla, Kuusalu vald, 74615
The Oandu forest nature trail is located in Oandu, Lahemaa National Park. It takes about two hours to complete the trail. There is always something to explore, learn, and discover in nature. The 4.7 km long trail introduces old coastal formations, native forests, various forest types, and traces of wildlife activities. There are different forests and bogs to see here.Good to know: - Start the hike with a visit to the exhibitions of the Oandu visitor centre. This way, you can get acquainted with the trail beforehand. - Test your knowledge on the trail in a playful way with the smart game 'Walking in the primeval forest'.
Oandu küla, Haljala vald, 45432
Study programme 'Water wizard's expedition at the source of clean water' by the Clean Water Theme Park is an authentic and interesting service, which introduces Estonia and the bowels of the earth. Its keywords are environmental sensitivity and authentic natural and cultural experiences. The characteristics of the Pandivere Upland and the nitrate-sensitive area of Pandivere-Adavere-Põltsamaa is used to show how karst is formed and explain the phenomenon of karst. Additionally, different sinkholes are visited, as well as the mystical Varangu blue springs, which are talked about in relation to the local culture. Participants will learn about the large and small hydrologic cycle in the wild.  
Järsi küla, Tapa vald, 46007
The Ojaäärse forest trail is located in Lahemaa National Park and is 3.5 km long. It begins in the car park next to the Ojaäärse nature house and then winds through the bright pine forests between the Kuresoo and Pikapõllu creeks. A large number of heritage culture sites can be found along the trail: boundary stones; old forest vistas; mileposts; and more. Along the trail you will find out about folk beliefs in regard to local birds, animals and medicinal plants.
Võsupere küla, Haljala vald, 45405
We are located in the picturesque Lahemaa National Park in North Estonia, only an hour's drive from Tallinn. Vihula Manor Holiday Village has sports grounds, a watermill, a mini golf course, a windmill, a concert stage and several eateries. All, children and adults alike, can meet the wonderful animals living in Vihula Manor Eco-Farm. There is a children's playground in the courtyard of the farm with fun wooden animal-shaped swings, and exciting climbing and play structures. Kaval-Ants Forest has other adventurous options for children for playing and relaxing. The buildings are open to the guests of Vihula manor, as well as others.
Vihula küla, Haljala vald, 45402
Enjoy the beautiful nature and pick berries and mushrooms. The trail is accessible by bicycle, on skis, or on foot. Once you reach Ohepalu, you can continue your hike to Udriku lakes or even Mõndavere, Viitna, or Lahemaa. The first 1.5 kilometres of the trail are boggy, but after you cross Valgejõgi River, you will reach the Rutka hills, which run along eskers and are dry. This part of the trail is located in Ohepalu Nature Reserve. In the autumn of 2018, the first 1.5 km section of the trail was reconstructed from the resources of the Tapa Municipality Government’s 2017 participatory budgeting project. Rutkaste hiking trail is also called the Tapa–Ohepalu hiking trail.
Võidu puiestee , Tapa linn, Tapa vald, 45109
Located in Oandu and part of the Lahemaa National Park, this 1 km long ‘beaver trail’ takes around half an hour to complete. Passing through the Altja River valley, it provides hikers an opportunity to witness a diversity of plant and animal life, and to spy on the beaver activity of the valley too including the dams they build, the riverbank dens, and the trees whose trunks they gnaw through. This trail is a great place to visit in Lahemaa National Park for those seeking a break from a long journey.  
Oandu küla, Haljala vald, 45432
Located in Oandu and part of the Lahemaa National Park, this 1 km long ‘beaver trail’ takes around half an hour to complete. Passing through the Altja River valley, it provides hikers an opportunity to witness a diversity of plant and animal life, and to spy on the beaver activity of the valley too including the dams they build, the riverbank dens, and the trees whose trunks they gnaw through. This trail is a great place to visit in Lahemaa National Park for those seeking a break from a long journey.  
Oandu küla, Haljala vald, 45432
The RMK hiking trail is the first hiking trail to pass through all of Estonia. Covering 370 km, the trail starts in northern Estonia, at Oandu in Lahemaa National Park, and leads the hiker through the dense forests of Kõrvemaa and then onto the Soomaa National Park - one of the most magnificent marshlands in Europe. Outfitted with kilometre marks and signposts to help you stay on the right path, information boards along the trail introduce information on Estonian forestry and the country's forest-related heritage and culture, as well as opportunities for relaxation. Passing through a total of six counties, two national parks and nine nature reserves, the hiking trail ends at the border between Estonia and Latvia in Ikla.  
Oandu küla, Haljala vald, 45432
We are located in the picturesque Lahemaa National Park in North Estonia, only an hour's drive from Tallinn. Vihula Manor Holiday Village has sports grounds, a watermill, a mini golf course, a windmill, a concert stage and several eateries. All, children and adults alike, can meet the wonderful animals living in Vihula Manor Eco-Farm. There is a children's playground in the courtyard of the farm with fun wooden animal-shaped swings, and exciting climbing and play structures. Kaval-Ants Forest has other adventurous options for children for playing and relaxing. The buildings are open to the guests of Vihula manor, as well as others.
Vihula küla, Haljala vald, 45402
The Ojaäärse forest trail is located in Lahemaa National Park and is 3.5 km long. It begins in the car park next to the Ojaäärse nature house and then winds through the bright pine forests between the Kuresoo and Pikapõllu creeks. A large number of heritage culture sites can be found along the trail: boundary stones; old forest vistas; mileposts; and more. Along the trail you will find out about folk beliefs in regard to local birds, animals and medicinal plants.
Võsupere küla, Haljala vald, 45405
A 30-minute drive from Tallinn on the north coast is one of the most beautiful sandy beaches in Kolga Bay – Valkla beach. The beach with fine light sand is a great bathing beach that stands out from big beaches with its peace and cleanliness. The beach has a toilet and parking lot as well as changing rooms. In summer, it is possible to rent a kayak and go to the nearby Pedassaare island – an uninhabited island 1 km away, where there are campfire sites and a sauna house. Paddleboards with safety equipment are also available for rent on the beach. Valkla beach also has a beach restaurant Valkla rand and a Recreation Centre with caravan park and saunas.
Valkla küla, Kuusalu vald, 74630
Mohni Island, in addition to its beautiful nature, attracts visitors with the Mohni lighthouse, which has guided sailors since the ancient times, as well as with the auxiliary buildings of the border guard of the Soviet times, a protected Mohni linden, sand dunes, and rocky mosaics. Mohni Island used to belong to a monastery. Later, according to a legend, it was a sanctuary for pirates. Our day starts at Viinistu, where we will board a boat to Mohni. On the island, we will explore the untouched and wonderful nature, follow a guide on a tour of the entire island, and learn about the characteristics, history, and legends of the island.
Viinistu küla, Kuusalu vald, 74701
Hidden away amongst the trees towards one end of the village of Käsmu is Estonia's biggest field of boulders: massive stones, the biggest standing 4.8 metres high and measuring 14.7 metres around (and known as 'The Hermit'). The boulders were deposited here as the Finnish and Swedish continental ice shelf retreated around 10,000 years ago. Today the field can be viewed from the Käsmu nature and cultural history trail. Did you know...? *Käsmu boasts the largest concentration of stones and boulders of any place in Estonia
Neeme tee , Käsmu küla, Haljala vald, 45601
If you like to lead a healthy life and enjoy nature and refreshing water, we can offer you the best recreation options. We offer you guided hikes in the Ohepalu bog. After a day in nature, you can enjoy a relaxing sauna. In the summer, you can spend the night in a tent or a barn and sleep on hay. Our Õnnela Quest House, however, is open all year round. Good to know: Linnumäe Nature Farm is a cotter's hut located on the edge of the Ohepalu bog. Eight generations have lived there and there is still no electricity. The hut is the starting point of the hikes and a perfect location for a sauna.
Ohepalu küla, Kadrina vald, 45225

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