Local stores and markets

The retail network in Lahemaa offers a wider range of products, especially during the summer season, while the everyday needs of the locals are met by the stores in Leesi, Käsmu, and Võsu, as well as the slightly wider selection in Loksa town. During the summer season, Võsu also offers the opportunity to find the freshest produce at the daily market and the OTT (directly from the producer to the consumer) that takes place a few times a week.


You can find local souvenirs and handicrafts:
Sagadi mõisa muuseumipood
Võsu Kunstikuurist
Kakuvälja Käsitöökamber
Käsmu Meremuuseum
MTÜ Rannamännid | Loksa
Jäneda käsitöökeskusest


In addition, you can find various service providers in Lahemaa from here.

Our museum shop, which has one of the largest selection of goods in Estonia, is located on the ground floor of the forest museum, and it offers its visitors different products related to nature and forestry. To promote connecting with nature, sustainable and healthy lifestyle, and prove that wood, indeed, is the best, the museum shop offers its visitors a selection of more than a thousand products. A lot of the products are original and available only at the Sagadi museum shop. A variety of publications, wooden toys, original household and consumer products, and unique natural and design products have earned the museum shop the love of almost every visitor of the Sagadi Manor.
Sagadi küla, Haljala vald, 45403
Jäneda's handicrafts centre is located on Musta Täku farm in Jäneda and is a place where local craftsmen sell their wares. Covering 600 square metres, the centre sells items made by more than 40 craftsmen, from iron and wool to glass and ceramics. For years the centre has also been offering visitors the chance to learn new skills in its workshops or to take part in special courses. Did you know...? - The handicrafts centre is the biggest centre of its kind (or indeed any kind) in Estonia
Jäneda küla, Tapa vald, 73602
The historic Sagadi Weigh-house is part of Sagadi Manor. Here we have set up a seasonal handicraft chamber, where we sell interesting and unique handicraft and souvenirs.
Kakuvälja küla, Haljala vald, 45416

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