Visit Lahemaa

Visit Lahemaa

The Lahemaa Tourism Association operating under the Visit Lahemaa brand brings together tourism professionals in the Lahemaa tourism area, which includes not only the Haljala and Kuusalu municipalities that share the national park area, but also the town of Loksa and the Kadrina and Tapa municipalities. We invite everyone involved in tourism activities in these municipalities to cooperate and share their skills through the Lahemaa Tourism Association network. Our members include individuals, entrepreneurs, and NGOs, as well as partners such as the Environmental Board, the State Forest Management Centre, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, local governments, the NGO Development Centre, and other organizations that are important for tourism in Lahemaa.


Please review the Lahemaa Tourism Association statutes and complete the membership application HERE.


Member list | 20.04.2023

JanneKonsultatsioonid OÜ

Aitan Sinu unistusel täituda!
Kui soovid alustada turismiga või juba omad majutus-, toitlustus- vm turismiobjekti aga tunned, et seisad kohapeal ja ei tea kellelt nõu küsida.
Siis tea, et oled leidnud õige inimese ja võin Sind aidata!
Aitan arendada toodet või teenust, viin läbi koolitus- arendus-, nõustamisprojekte.
Aitan kokku panna rahastus taotluseid sh projekte eest vedada ja ellu viia.
Mul on selleks praktilised kogemused, kui tunned huvi võta ühendust!
Mul on Sulle aega!


JanneKonsultatsioonid OÜ
Telef 5210634


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