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Useful information
MTÜ Lahemaa Turismiühing | info @ Kolgaküla rahvamaja Kolgaküla, Kuusalu vald Harjumaa 74808 Registrikood: 80578351 Tourist information: Visitor Centre of Lahemaa National Park Oandu Visitor Centre Sagadi Nature School Loksa | hooajaline Services: Loksa Pharmacy Maire Ilusalong | hairdresser Loksa swimming pool Loksa Flowers | Grossi toidukaubad Loksa Library | Wifi Excavation […]
Our area
Lahemaa, the first national park in the Soviet Union and also the oldest and largest in Estonia, enchants visitors with its diverse natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Here, one can enjoy the peaceful silence of nature on a sandy beach, in a primeval swamp, on a juniper-covered coastal meadow, or by a green riverbank. […]
Lahemaa in media
Loodusõhtul tuleb juttu lendoravast 22.03.2023 | Virumaa Teataja Tärkavast loodusest leiab turgutust üllatavaist taimedest 17.03.2023 | Virumaa Teataja Radikaalne ettepanek: Lahemaa rahvuspargi külad võiks rahvuspargi alt välja võtta, et need edasi areneda saaksid 17.03.2023 | Virumaa Teataja Vabariigi Pillimees on Kert Krüsban Vihasoo külast! 27.02.2023 | Õhtuleht Eesti mõisate jubedad kummituslood: […]
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You can get good ideas and tips from the newsletter to plan your next vacation in Lahemaa. We will let you know if there are events happening that may not be caught by major event trackers, but which create excitement among locals and definitely offer an experience for visitors.
Map of Lahemaa
Privacy Policy is a website belonging to Lahemaa Turismiühing (Reg no: 80578351). Any copying, reproduction or distribution of the information, texts, images or any other information material found here for commercial purposes is prohibited without the written consent of Lahemaa Turismiühing. In the following, we describe our privacy principles, what kind of information we collect […]
Food experiences
We live on the limestone coast, where the rock is visible and can be touched. Inland, it is covered by soil and can be seen as gravel and felt as minerals. Rivers and streams that flow from the limestone coast towards the sea carry minerals into the sea, where marine life also benefits from it. […]